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This is my blog, this is my sea and sardinia...

venerdì 10 aprile 2009


Every year, in March or April, when you drive or walk in the country you realize Easter is close because everything is turning yellow, here and there.

Today I went for a walk to the beach.Once I arrived there I followed a path...

Gorse everywere.We call it Ginestra in italian.

Then I reached a point where you see the sea...

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Ah!! Gorse!..

The colour is bright,

the scent is sweet,

but if you sting yourself with a thorn it will hurt for some days!!!

...this could be as well a way to describe life, isn'it?

2 commenti:

  1. Beautiful photos and what gorgeous scenery! Thanks for take Lindsay and I along for the virtual walk!

    Happy Easter!

  2. Thanks for coming Barry!
    You are welcome everytime you whish!!!


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