Things I see, places I visit, people I meet, food I eat...
This is my blog, this is my sea and sardinia...

mercoledì 10 giugno 2009

green on the sand.

This is what grows on the sand by the beach today.
It stings!
Don't know its name though..

soon there will be flowers,
I will show them then!

2 commenti:

  1. What beautiful flowers!
    And I loved the wedding photos, the beautiful drsss and the cookies! So nice of you to make them!

    Listen, I still don't have your address. how can I send you something, if i don't have an address?!

    in case one of them doesn't work.

    and i know you speak english, but can you understand either german or a scandinavian language?

  2. Dear Sarah Sofia I just sent you an email!
    you are right indeed! I sent my home address.


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